Monday, August 9, 2010
August 9, 2010 Last post...come what may and love it:)
Monday, August 2, 2010
August 2, 2010
Well- I have about two seconds to write to you. We don't have a preparation day this week because all of the 2nd summer sisters are going with President and Sister Ludwig to Springfield to go see the Presidential Library this week. Should be neat. However, I lose out on my day of rest:) Alas!
Most important things first. Pageant is over! We were able to receive SO many referrals this year it was amazing! I love it. I'm tired. It was great. Love it. Actually that wasn't the most important thing. The most important thing is that Elder Neal L. Anderson from the Quorom of the Twelve was here this past week. He was filming for the new Special Witnesses of Christ and reorganizing the Pageant Presidency. It was actually kind of funny what happened one day. We had just gotten off shift and had to go greet and we were early so I thought, "I want to go see the river!" So I drove to the river and there was a big film crew and everything down there. Ha. I must be really in tune, just drawn to where apostles are! :) I was able to listen to him speak on several different occassions. The best was we had a special meeting with him at the mission home. I could really spend forever writing about that, but I have approximately 2 seconds left. Sum up- I need to get married! Also- this is something I think was so important. Elder Anderson is a great guy and everything, but I never really felt anything different around him generally speaking. However, as soon as he started testifying of Jesus Christ the Spirit that filled the room was so tangible you could have cut it with a knife. It was INCREDIBLE! I was thinking afterwards, really Elder Anderson is a regular guy with a great responsibility. As soon as he started to doing what is unique to his calling and testifying as a special witness of Christ, wow, it was amazing. I will never ever ever be able to deny him being an Apostle of the Lord. And! I will never be able to deny that Christ is our Savior and that He lives. What a great experience! I'll tell you more about it later. :)
Well! I love you a lot! I'll try to write more next week! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Be good- do work :)
Sister Picard
Saturday, July 31, 2010
July 26, 2010
july 19, 2010
So- my life is just crazy crazy crazy right now! Pageant is in full swing. Long nights and busy days! It's fun thought. It keeps my mind occupied and time is just flying. I had a lot of really neat experiences this past week. Now that it is actually time to write them down, I kind of forget everything. It is raining like crazy outside right now. So that is also distracting me. I love the rain. It's pretty much like a monsoon. Oh I know! It has been really hot and humid out here lately. Good news is, I got a little tan when I've been outside greeting for Pageant things. Bad news is I think I sweated out about 0298403984234092384 gallons in the meantime. I was serving in the VC and I saw this guy named Josh I had worked with in the Ath Dept so that was exciting. Then he said, "Do you want to meet my wife?" and I said, "Sure!" and come to find out she was the girl who had taken my job. So! Moral of the story is! My going on a mission helped them to final eternal wedded bliss. Thank you thank you:) Referrals have been amazing this year! I don't know what is in the water, but we have been just raking them in! People that are coming to the Pageant are so prepared! Before the Pageant we go out and try to get referrals from the visitors. Sometimes there are so many people it is hard to know who to talk to. I was in the Pre-Show and I said a little prayer to Heavenly Father asking Him to please help me know who to talk to. I then saw this couple and went over to talk to them. Turns out that they were non-members from the area and they self-referred! I love it. I also have really enjoyed being able to start making calls on Pageant referrals. Not that I don't love the other kind too, but Pageant referrals are just the BEST! My companion, Sister Pulleyn, is great. I am in the big room now so there are six of us living in one room. Don't worry, we have lots of room unity. The other morning two of the companionships walk out to go to preparation meeting and we were all wearing green shirts. We got lots of weird looks, but we were definitely unified:) I love being a missionary! I think it's great. I love my life! I was able to serve at Carthage yesterday. It's kind of bittersweet because I wasn't able to serve there at all this summer, only on Sundays. So I miss the Spirit that is SO present there. The tours there are the best. I feel like it isn't Sister Picard speaking at all there. Truth be told, I am kind of lame by myself. I can feel the Spirit testifying through me while I am there though. I think that is why I love it there so much. It has been a real privilege to be able to serve the Lord in a place that is so special to so many people. It is very humbling. I mean that sincerely- I hope I don't sound like I am just saying that to say it. Well! I need to get to gettin! Sorry- I'll write longer..... sometime. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be good. Life is good.
Monday, July 19, 2010
July 12, 2010 dad's birthday
Well, what is even going on in my life? I will just tell you. First of all, this is way crazy but we had transfers yesterday. This is officially the last transfer of my MISSION!?!?!?!??! Weird. I am staying in Nauvoo. My companion is Sister Pulleyn. She is the 18th and final companion I will have. Crazy huh? I'll have more companions than months on my mission:) I still have Monday Preparation Day which is nice. I switched rooms in the house and also bathrooms. I really don't know why I am telling you all of this because it's not that interesting. Maybe you think that I am sad about never going out to Carthage this summer, but I will tell you that I am perfectly okay with that. I had my turn last summer. They just need my sparkling personality here in Nauvoo I suppose:) Things have gotten pretty crazy around here let me just tell you. Pageant began last week. It rained and rained and rained some more. On Monday night they had a dress rehearsal. I was actually greeting for a show called Rendezvous and was standing outside when the down pour hit. It all happened so fast. I was sopping wet by the time someone offered me an umbrella. So, I came to terms with getting rained on. Then we had to walk up to Pageant. It really was as though someone had dumped a bucket on my head. I mean a bucket of water. Ha. Then it rained on Tuesday night a little bit. Then it really rained on Wednesday night. So, we got used to the rain. They still had Pageant though! Wow, I am writing really boring sentences I am sorry. What else happened? Oh I know! I was serving in the VC on Saturday and in walks the Woodbury's from Moscow! How crazy huh?! It was fun to be able to talk to them for a minute. I can't remember if it was last week or the week before but we had just arrived at the VC for our shift and a film had just gotten out and this man comes out of the theatre and looks at me and says, "Does the name Applonie mean anything to you?" And I kind of looked at him weird then he said, "Sara!" And came over and gave me a big hug. I guess my face was pretty classic. You have to remember, I have had a 3 foot personal bubble for the past year and a half and someone getting inside of that freaked me out. I really didn't know how to respond. It was Uncle Stan's BFF Matt Black. I thought you might think that was funny. Well here is a neat story for you. I was in the VC the other day and these people walked in and I offered to give them a tour. Turns out that they are non-members from... NEW JERSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's riiiiiiight. Guess what else? They totally self-referred! So Heavenly Father answers my prayers. I told Him I would try to get as many NJ referrals as possible and He helps to make it happen. I also have given a lot of tours to Spanish speakers. It pretty much breaks my heart and then I go cry afterwards because I'm so sad that I can't speak Spanish. But I try to always bear my testimony in Spanish. So I'm doing what I can. It's so neat though that no matter what language you are doing it in, bearing testimony of Jesus Christ always brings the Spirit. I am so glad that I get to be a missionary. I am so glad that Heavenly Father loves me so much to let me be a missionary. I love knowing that I can never trust too much in the Lord. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want us to be happy. That really does mean that whatever does happen to us in this life is really honestly truthfully for our good. So, I don't have any reason to worry or get anxious, because I know that everything is going to be okay. I really like that feeling. Well! I love you all so much! Keep praying for me- I need to finish up you know- Picard style. Leave it all on the floor right?:) LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Picard
Monday, July 5, 2010
July 5, 2010 when you're here, we're here (nauvoo pageant)
Well let me just think about what has been going on this past week. Oh first of all before I forget- I want to get Rachelley's new address. I keep thinking she will e-mail it and then she doesn't. So I haven't been sending letters because I don't want them to go to Ireland and her be in Scotland or something crazy like that. So! What has been going on in my life? Not a whole lot out of the ordinary. Pageant is starting tomorrow so that means we will start to get busy busy busy. I like it though. I like having a purpose. I am very excited for all the opportunities to get referrals!!!!!!! I'm excited to meet all the neat families and people that will come. I am not so excited to get eaten alive by chiggers, but! it is what it is. Let me try to think of funny things that have happened. Well- my pioneer dress. It's the same purple behemoth that I had last year. I think it's probably about 40 years old. Which means that it was first a YPM stage dress, then a YPM outdoor dress, then a YPM site dress, then! a YSM (me) dress. So- it's been through the ringer. Consequently it is now falling apart. There are holes in it everywhere. One of the sleeves is literally falling off. I tried to tape it back on, not effective. But- I don't want to go and get another dress from the sewing room because they are all ugly. So- I'd rather be in my hole-y dress than in an ugly one. These kids were making fun of me the other day, that was pretty great:) We were waiting to get picked up the other day. I was working at the Cultural Hall and the Band Wagon had come to do their concert. I always like to go and pet the horses (I'm Native right?:) ) and it was the calmest team, their names are Jim and John. Then one of the teamsters said, "I betcha you wouldn't kiss that there horse," or something very teamster-ish sounding. Then I said, "Watch me." So then I kissed Jim on the nose. And someone happened to take a picture at that moment. So, if you hear of me kissing on my mission, I'm just kissing a stinky old horse named Jim. I know a great experience I had. I was serving at the Cultural Hall and when we open the sites in the morning we have to clean. So I volunteered to clean the third floor. So I went up and was mopping the whole place and it was great because a) I got to be alone and b) I was just singing the whole time I was cleaning. Not to say that I am a great singer, it was just really fun to sing the hymns just by myself. If you can imagine, it gets a little crazy being around 1203948102948120498124 other sisters all the time. So I considered it a tender mercy. I know that God loves me. The greatest thing about that is that He loves everyone else just the same. One of the best things that I get to do is to help everyone else feel that love that God has for them. I am really so excited for Pageant and the great spirit that will be here in Nauvoo. It's tiring and crazy, but it's also so rewarding. I love sharing the gospel, and I know I will get to share it quite often in the next few weeks. If you think of anyone that you want to share the Pageant CD with, PLEASE let me know. It's a great referral because hey, everyone likes free music and it isn't quite as intimidating as a Book of Mormon or whatever else we usually send. So! Let everyone know- because now is the BEST time to refer. I'm especially going to try to get lots of NJ referrals:) I don't know how- but I will!!!!! Well I love you mucho mucho. Can't even wait to see you. Keep being good- and doing work in the most gospel oriented way possible:)
Sister Picard
Thursday, July 1, 2010
June 28, 2010 fam fam
So this week was pretty great. Things are definitely starting to pick up around here. Vocal Point came this last week which was perfect for all the screaming young women on the youth tours. It was the commemoration of the Martyrdom yesterday. I was able to work at the Jail (we do temporary transfers on Sundays) and give a tour which was great. There was also a program that took place at the jail. The YPM's sang and the band played and then we tried to sing. It was great:) I gave a talk in church yesterday. I used a Holland quote that Rachelley gave me- she's such a good example to me! I wish I was half the missionary that I know she is. I've been trying to practice basic Spanish with Sister Cordoba for Pageant. I have so much respect for Elder Picard and his Spanish skills. Learning a language would have been muy dificil! But! I know he is just rocking it:) I'm so glad he's on a mission with me. I'm glad Rachelle is too. It's good to have good examples. It's been raining a lot still. Yeah- you know my e-mail is lame when all I can think to say is that it has been raining a lot. Oh! I know a funny story, then I'll finish up. So! We are only allowed to watch the YPM's show once this summer and S/Feltwell, Morgan, Schetselaar and I went last week. Do you think I will be weird when I get home? Let me just tell you the extent. So- this nice little play is called High Hopes and Riverboats. It's a musical about the history of Nauvoo. Last summer, I enjoyed it as nice wholesome entertainment. I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Sister Picard
Thursday, June 24, 2010
June 21, 2010 the sociable
So! This is the business. My life is really really good right now. I love being a missionary. I love teaching the people here in Nauvoo. I LOVE reading the Book of Mormon. I love all the fantastic rain storms we get here. Okay funny story for you. So- most of you know I tend to have a fairly "chill" personality. Well- at least I think I do. Maybe you think I don't. But also I may be a lot more chill since I've been a missionary. Actually I know I've chilled out a lot. Ok- sorry. So! We had a pretty big storm the other week and it was like thunder, lightning, maybe a little bit frightening (haha name that song) and then it started hailing or something too I'm not sure but it was past 10:30 and I was in my bed trying to sleep. Then all the sisters in my room started randomly freaking out about life and running around and getting their shoes on? I have no idea what getting shoes on was going to do to save them in case of emergency but whatever. So everyone was running around screaming about this tornado and this is the account from Sister Barry. I guess she walked by my room and saw me and I sat up and looked at everyone (ps I was on the top bunk and definitely had messed up hair) then I just pulled the blanket back over head and laid back down. I figure, "Hey, I'm on a misson. There is absolutely nothing I can do about a tornado. So, let the chips fall.... where they may." Ha. So! We've been having lots of storms lately. In other news! We had our sociable last night. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that that is over with FOREVER! Sociables over for-EVA! I was roped into singing, but! the good news is that Sister Morgan and I had a duet. I love her so much! We had a lot of MTC companionship unity going on. It was fun, but I'm glad it's over. I had so many awesome families come through the VC this week! I LOVE sweet families! We don't have the privilege of working with a ward so for the week they become my people. It was funny because I had met this one family in the VC and they came to my site the next day so I could give them a tour and I flipped when I saw them and they told the sister I was with that we were BFF's. She asked how I knew them after they left and I said we met in the VC yesterday:) There were two couples that came in from Brazil. I was able to use my sweet Brazilian slangs that Sister Neves would always teach me. They LOVED that. I really appreciated that Heavenly Father loves me enough to have allowed me to be the one to meet them. I don't think it would have meant as much to any of the other sisters but I just loved being with them so much. I love being a missionary. I love to testify of the gospel, even if it's singing on a stage (which is something I definitely did NOT sign up for:)) I love all of you so much!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for being so supportive of me. I love you mucho:) Do work!
Sister Picard
Monday, June 14, 2010
June 13, 2010
Well- we're just about all flooded around here. It has been raining like CRAZY! I love it though. I think rain is the BEST! You already knew that:) All the crops look like they were planted in a pond or something. I don't mind though. I think it's great.
Sister Picard
Monday, June 7, 2010
June 7, 2010 my life is good...realllly good :))
Okay- this week was a particularly good week. Let me tell you something. Mom is always right about everything. I remember when I was little and would be bored or upset or whatever Mom would always say, "Well you are choosing to be bored, so fix it." Or something like that. And then I would get mad at her for saying something so dumb.:) However! Now I am really a believer, and have been for quite some time. We have complete control over our attitudes and outlook on life. This past week I decided everything was going to be AWESOME! And guess what? It was:)
All week long I was trying my very hardest to make everyone that came into the VC or my site know that they were the coolest people in Nauvoo and that there was absolutely nothing else I would rather be doing than talking to them. I made some BFF Beehives from a ward in Indiana. This is the best part of the week. So I gave them a tour at the VC and then I gave them a challenge for when they went to the temple the next day to do baptisms for the dead. The next day they came back to see me (I was serving at the Post Office) and each of them reported to me on the challenge without me even asking! I had asked them to each pick out at least one name while they were doing baptisms and pray for that person and ask specifically that they would accept the gospel. They all came in and told me all the names that they had prayed for! They also said that they had a great experience while they were there. Then they all wrote me little notes. And asked if they could add me on Facebook:) HA! I saw them periodically throughout their time here and it was so fun! We also gave a tour to some RC's from Chicago that was amazing. I love hearing people's conversion stories. Heavenly Father decided to really bless us and I was able to receive three non-member self-referrals in one day last week! It was the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really think a big part of it was that I was trying so hard to be happy about whatever circumstance I was in, even if I didn't want to be in it. I know it's hard to believe, but being a VC sister can be pretty tiring, we have a busy schedule. Oh I have to tell you a funny story. Sister McIntosh and I set a goal to not sit down for an entire shift once and make sure that we were always talking to people. I don't know why but I was wearing heels that day. We had a seven hour shift that day. Standing for that long in high heels- not the smartest idea in the world. But! We did it. And it was fun. I like challenges though- kind of my personality I guess. You couldn't have made me sit down:) In other news, one of the Elders found a baby raccoon. Sister McIntosh named him Melvin. He's a pretty cute little guy. Lots of wildlife here in good ol Nauvoo:) I got to go running the rain this past week with Sister Sorensen. That was my other favorite thing that happened. It was SO good to get pics of Hann's graduation. She looks gorgeous as per usual. Also- I LOVED Buddy and Ben's outfits- I think I will pee my pants when I get to see that video:) Thanks to Baby for the beautiful artwork- she really knows how to draw some master.... pieces:) HA! See- I'm still funny:) I love you all so much. There is nothing better than the gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep being good- Do work. LOVE YOU!
Sister Picard
Saturday, June 5, 2010
May 31, 2010 we're glad you're here at sunset by the mississippi!
Well, let me just think. So! Remember how I said that our air conditioner wasn't working last week? Well- it continued to not work for a little while longer:) Let me just say, I am SO grateful for the modern miracle of air conditioning! After a few days of roasting to death we were finally able to get some swamp coolers. I didn't really know what those were, but now we have some in our house until they can figure out the air conditioning. Whatever they are- I am glad they are there! One night I guess it got up to 96 degrees plus in our house. That is pretty hot. But! It's over now. I have a new appreciation for the pioneers and for people with out air conditioners. Also, the rest of the summer I won't feel hot at all:) So! I don't mean that to sound like complaining- I just thought you'd like to know. Also so that I will remember that great experience for the rest of my life.
So- here is the most exciting thing of my week! Sister Jillian Dennis from my Jersey mission came to visit me this week!!!!!! It was SO good to see her! Although- she came and I gave her a tour of the Wilford Woodruff house so she saw me in my pioneer duds. Oh the humiliation:) It has been great to have her here. Although it does make me really heartsick for Jersey. Alas- it is what it is! Nauvoo is great. We've been able to go to the temple a lot which is a real blessing. We were actually going last week to do some ordinances and then a woman stopped my companion and I and asked if we would please do some work for her ancestors. I said of course we would! (don't worry- I'm pretty sure my companion wanted to as well:) ) We saw that woman later on that night and she was so grateful that we had done that for her. I really appreciated that. Today we went to the temple and did sealings. We were able to be there with a woman who was sealing her grandparents to her father. The Spirit was very strong in the room. I love sealings. Everything about our religion leads to families being together FOREVER. Getting to be a part of a family actually being sealed or connected to each other for all eternity, well that is best feeling in the world to me. The church is so true. I can't imagine anything that would ever make me happier than knowing I get to be with my family forever. I can't imagine any family that fits me better either! I know that I am supposed to be a member of this family and I thank my Heavenly Father for letting me be a Picard every day- and not just because we're so stinkin funny... ;) Ha! Oh I miss you. Things are going well here though. I'm sorry I missed Hann's graduation. I'm sure it went really well. I'm so proud of my little sid! She's a smarty! I also hope that Buddy passed his life guarding class. I can't believe how big he looks in all the pics you sent. It weirds me out, he's such a big kid now! PS- Thank you for the pics! Everyone always loves looking at pics of my family:)
I just thought of something else that was fun this week! There is a shortage of senior missionaries in the church so they sent a lot of missionaries here this summer as "service missionaries" so that they wouldn't have to go to the MTC. The missionary department said they wanted those couples to go through a Preach My Gospel training so the young sisters helped in giving them that. I was able to spend a couple of days this past week training the seniors!!!!!!! It was AWESOME! They all have such amazing testimonies. It is really hard to try and fit PMG into a VC setting, but all the seniors that went through the training really understand it now and are more excited for the work. It also reminded me of how fun it is to testify through the tours. I think that we will see an even more dramatic increase in referrals. You know what that means- more time in the call center! I just hope that I can always be doing whatever it is the God needs me to be doing at that time. I really enjoyed teaching the seniors. It made me think maybe I'll have to go and teach at the MTC or something.... :)
Well! My life is really good- don't worry about me. All of the summer shows started this week so that should be fun. Summer is really here and things have started to pick up. We're staying really busy in the VC and the sites. Sister McIntosh is a great companion and we get a long very well. We're going to Burlington today to go shopping! They have a Target there, it is a BIG deal ok? :) LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Picard
Monday, May 24, 2010
May 24, 2010 oh say what is truth tis the fairest gem (that is what I have stuck in my head. random, yes.)
Well, what can I even say? My life is just grand. We just had transfers and I am still in Nauvoo. I have forgotten if I told you or not. Transfers here happen frequently! My most favorite thing about being a missionary here continues to be how often we are able to attend the temple. It is even better now that I get to see the Tovey's in there! I love all of the temple missionaries so much! They are all the neatest people. I also love the site missionaries. Old people rock! They are my best friends. I am not joking when I say I will probably come home and only want to hang out with all my senior missionary friends. They're more fun than most people anyways:)
Well! Summer is officially here! It's up in the 90's today. All the new sisters are dying of heat stroke. Ha- I tell them they ain't seen nothin yet:) Isn't that so nice of me? What's really great about it all is that our air conditioner in our house actually is broken. So it is really hot inside. We are all roastin like toasted cheesers it's so hot:) Things are starting to pick up a little as far as visitor's go. Sister McIntosh and I had a really great experience this past week. We had a non-member come in to the VC and we gave him a tour together. He was really receptive and we gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and assigned him to read the Introduction and Moroni 10:3-5. He came into the VC the next day walks straight up to us and says, "I read what you told me to and I have questions." He had not only read what we told him but also the entire book of Moroni. He is studying right now to be a pastor. He actually came to Nauvoo last summer with a whole group of Methodists (I actually remember that group, imagine that:) ) He said that every time he has come in contact with the Church the people that he is with don't want anything to do with it, but that he has always been interested. So, we taught him the first and then we had him watch the Testaments because he had such an interest in the Book of Mormon. We then gave him all the chapters in 3 Nephi about the Savior's ministry in the America's. He said he was going to study it. Moral of the story! The Book of Mormon is the best tool we have as far as conversion goes. It does the best job of testifying of truth and bringing people closer to Christ. I love it because if people are sincere in their desire to learn, you can just sit back and let it happen because they will gain a testimony. So I am excited he was so excited about studying! It was such a blessing for me because I would be lying if I told you I didn't miss being a little proselyting missionary. Sometimes it is difficult here to remember "my purpose" because no one gets baptized. But! I still realize it's missionary work, just a little different, and sometimes done while wearing a pioneer dress (no I don't think I will ever get over that:) ) So! That was a really great experience we had this week. We've been calling in the Call Center a LOT. I like it because it kind of reminds me of knocking. A lot of people don't want to talk to you. Every once and awhile you get a yes and it's all worth it:) We've also been practicing for our "Sunday Sociable." If you don't remember that's when all the sisters get up on stage and we pretend like we can sing and then all of the seniors cry and think we're wonderful. It's really great. But! There are a few songs I probably won't be able to listen to ever again in my life. Three of my favorites! Down to the River to Pray, Consider the Lilies, and This is the Christ. I feel like Dewey on Malcolm in the Middle when his mom plays that one song and he runs through the house saying, "Why do you have to ruin everything that I love!?!?!?" But! I sing because that is what God needs me to do right now. Oh the life:) Well! I love you all! I want you to have some good referrals all picked out for me come pageant time. Just so you know. So we can help some people get in the water! of baptism that is:) I love you love you love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be good! Do work:)
Sister Picard
Monday, May 17, 2010
May 17, 2010 we are family, i got all my sistas with me :)
Friday, May 14, 2010
May 11, 2010 tonight's gonna be a good night :) (thank you baby for introducing me to what is hip and cool :) )
Let me just even tell you- I LOVED getting to speak with all of you on Sunday! It made my life!!!!!!!!!! It’s funny- because I’ve never really gotten emotional in speaking with you. It feels really normal every time I call home. I fully realize it has been months since I’ve heard your voices, but it just feels goodJ and normal. Except for Buddy. He does NOT sound like himself. But I suppose everyone has to go through poverty and that whole voice changing thing huh? J (like that Gussy!) It’s weird to think that I will be seeing you all- but I am definitely not focusing on that just quite yet. I have plenty of summer ahead of me. So! Big time shout out to mamasita for being the best mom in the world! I am the ONLY missionary in all of stinkin Nauvoo (this is also including the bajillion of seniors) with a CONFERENCE ENSIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Picard
PS- Highlight of my phone conversation- baby singing to meJ Also! I thought you might appreciate this. I was in the temple today and this worker goes, “You are so beautiful! You must be a missionary girl!!!!!” It just reminded me of when we were little and those pics we have of Gus and Daniel being “missionary boys!” Especially when Buddy is all GQ with his hand in his pocketJ love it!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
May 4, 2010 How to make a peanut and honey samwich!!
So! Can I just even tell you? My mission life is pretty crazy. I should preface all that I am about to say with this, no matter where I serve or what I do I am always a servant of the Lord set apart to be a representative of Jesus Christ. Now- to tell you what I did this week. So you might better understand the previous statement.
On Tuesday all of the sisters served the Temple Missionaries at the dinner that they have each year at the beginning of the summer. So we all had to wear black and white and serve dinner. Which was pretty fun actually because I got to see the Tovey's! They are so cute! I am so happy that the temple missionaries are here because now we get to go more often! Twice a week!!!!!!!! So then, my mission president's son was married last week. He was married here in Nauvoo so that his parents could be there for everything. So on Thursday morning I spent all morning helping S/Ludwig cut up fruit and get the food ready for all of the people that were going to be in town. We also helped to get everything ready for the open house that they had on Friday for all the missionaries. Then on Saturday, the day of the wedding, we helped out all day with the catering/decorations/set up etc of the wedding. Then that night we helped cook/serve/clean for the wedding dinner/reception thing. Again, we were all wearing black and white. We color coordinate a lot in this mission. :) So! If anyone ever needs me to cater or plan an event, well- I have LOTS of practice from serving here. It's funny because for all of the second summer sisters doing stuff like this is old hat. We've done it a lot. It was really funny one of the guests told S/Barry, “Well I bet this is something you don't do as a missionary!” And she replied, “Well actually we do it quite often.” Yes- I LOVE dealing with the funny snide remarks everyone makes about being a VC sister and serving at dinns. That is when I just have to do breathing exercises and plaster a smile on my face. And work on my humility. And tell myself that I am serving the Lord in whatever capacity He needs me to serve in. So you can imagine- we all were thinking about weddings for a few days. We even came up with a list of when we thought everyone was going to get married. Glad to report that S/Reece was numero UNO on that list :) YES! Her hair looks so good this summer- I am going to have to send a picture. We also had the wonderful opportunity of starting the fences again. The weather is good enough to have us outside now- so that is what we are doing to help NRI. We scraped fences on my day. All day long. It was AWESOME! Actually- it was pretty sweet because we got to be outside and get a little bit of sun. And let me just tell you how pasty I am these days. I think I have turned into a white person. Alas- that's life. Especially as a sister.
I have really enjoyed giving tours more this summer. After being in the field I feel a lot more capable. I think I am more in tune with the Spirit, bolder about asking for referrals, and more focused on PMG. On Saturday I was serving at the VC and had been feeling kind of off. If you can imagine, I was feeling a little more “tour guide” than “missionary” especially with all the crazy stuff we did last week. So I said, “Sister Picard it is time to stop being a lame-o and be a missionary.” I really prayed to be able to feel like a missionary again. I was able to give a really great tour to a girl named Deserae. She was from Chicago and had just moved there and wanted to come to Nauvoo. She had a couple of things thrown in her way when trying to visit- but was able to make it. I love it when I give tours and I don't feel like I am the “tour guide” but that I am that person's friend. I love when I feel a real genuine concern for the person instead of just telling them facts. I told her that I was so grateful that she had still decided to come and that even though I am supposed to like everyone that comes in, I really appreciated her being there:) She gave a referral! I am glad that I can sometimes help facilitate missionary work.
One thing that I have been thinking a lot about lately is that throughout my mission I have done a lot of work with members as opposed to finding people to get baptized. At first I really hated that because as a missionary all I should want to do is baptize. I think sometimes Heavenly Father knows what He is doing though. Correction- He always does:) The majority of my life will be spent in helping members of the Church strengthen their testimonies and come closer to Christ. I think it has been a wonderful experience on my mission to realize that is still important.
I love my life. I love being a missionary. Things are finally starting to pick up here. The YPM's are coming this week I think. So you know I'm excited about that :) HA! Keep up the good work. You are an amazing family. Sometimes I just sit and think and I can't even believe how amazing you are. I got baby's pics in the mail. And her instructions about how to make a PB & H samwhich. Goods:) I LOVE YOU!!!!! Be good! Do work :)
Sister Picard
April 27, 2010 DJ's Birthday :)
Well, another week in Nauvoo. I don't even know what I should talk about most of the times in my e-mails. How boring right? Sorry. We've started to work in the Call Center again. I'm trying to make sure that my enthusiasm for calling is genuine and is being passed on to the sisters around me:) I really do enjoy it for the most part. I forgot about that. I was able to start serving in the Visitor's Center again as well. I LOVE the Visitor's Center. It's really the closest thing to being out in the field. Almost like contacting. I like it because I have more control over the situation. Imagine that, me liking to be in control? :) I can go and talk to everyone that walks in about the Gospel, which makes me happy. I don't have to wait for them to come into sites to give them tours. One thing that I have been impressed with over and over again is how easy it is to share the gospel with your friends. This is what I think. Ok- now I'm going off on a tangent. Obviously my mission here in Nauvoo is different. I know most people wouldn't expect it, but it is actually a lot harder to stay focused here than out in the field. I felt like I had a pretty good handle on keeping my mind focused and then I came here and well, let's just say I'm really trying to focus again:) I think it's a great learning experience though. I know that when I am no longer a missionary (bleh) that it will also be a hard adjustment, and it will be SO important to learn how to focus on what is most important. I obviously don't want to become some socially incompetent religious zealot, but I do want to maintain the correct focus in my life. Which should be, and always will be, bringing others as well as myself closer to Christ.
We are getting three new sisters today. We'll get two new sisters next week. That makes 22 sisters in all. Two more than last year. That is 16 sisters living in our house. That is crazy business. However! I am sure it will all work out. Things in Nauvoo are going to start to pick up here pretty soon. I'm doing all I can to make sure I am prepared to referral it up! It is also important to strengthen the testimonies of those people that come here. I know most everyone is a member, but everyone can always have a stronger testimony. It's pretty amazing that I get to testify of the Gospel in a place like this.
I love you all! I wish I had a funnier story to tell. Let me think, nothing that I think you would also think is funny. Pretty much I just make a whole bunch of way lame missionary jokes all the time. But people laugh. Not sure if it's with me or at me- but it's all good :) I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! Be good. Do work:)
Sister Picard
Thursday, April 22, 2010
April 22, 2010 Testify this bible's worth we'll testify this bible's worth! (rendezvous line :) )
Wow- this week has been CRAZY! I am in Nauvoo. I'm companions with Sister Barry again and with Sister Wendel who is one of the new sisters. We are the only trio- AWESOME. It has definitely been a change to come back to Nauvoo from the proselyting world. It is weird to not be around 19032840329842039482 people all the time. It is weird to breathe fresh air. It is weird to see green things. At the same time it is just wonderful! I was able to serve in the Visitor's Center for the first time yesterday. I forgot how much I like talking to people- imagine that:) I was able to give a few tours and get referrals and my life was great. I feel so much more qualified after having served a proselyting mission. I'm a lot bolder than last summer. I actually may have had a negative effect on a lady's blood pressure yesterday. They came in and are Christian and only had a few minutes so I was trying to give them a first lesson with a little history thrown in (they had just seen the JS movie) and she was getting antsy and wanted to go eat lunch or something so in my defense I was making it very brief but she asks me, "In two seconds what is the difference between your church and any other Christian faith." And I said, "We have the priesthood power of God." Then she got really mad at me. Oopsie :) But- it is what it is. Don't worry- I patched it up and she left not quite as upset:)
I have loved being around all my senior couples again. They are all my best friends. I love the strength of their testimonies. I have loved being around all my Nauvoo sisters. You don't fully apprecitate what you have till it's gone- so true in this case. I have never been around so many sisters at once that just get along and love each other. We have lots of fun. We think we are really funny:) A couple of neat stories from the past week. We were doing training in the call center and I had been thinking a LOT about Cassidy, well, pretty much since I had been in the field. One of the very first things I wanted to do when I got back to Nauvoo was see how his progress was going with the missionaries. So! I had S/Morgan call him when we were in the call center and we found out that he had gotten baptized! How exciting right?!?!??! I about peed my pants. Actually what I did was scream and kind of fall on the floor by S/Morgan and maybe my eyes were glistening a little:) It was such an AWESOME feeling. It made me think of D&C 18 that talks about helping the people you love and care about find the gospel. It was also a really great plug for all the sisters here to refer their friends from home. It works! Referrals work. I received a referral from a guest yesterday after I told her that story. So- Cass is helping out the missionary effort here. :) I don't think that anyone in the world had as many sister missionaries praying for them. All of the sisters from Nauvoo had been praying for him all of our field assignment. All of them would ask about him everytime that they wrote me. So! Everyone was super excited. They all feel this connection to him even though they don't know him. It was really great. Nauvoo miracle :) SO! Be thinking of all the people you can refer this summer for pageant! There have been over/around 50 reported baptisms off of Pageant Referrals last summer. These are people that started being taught because of our work with the Pageant. Cassidy's definitely wasn't reported- so I think that there are even more :) The Lord's work is great. The gospel is SO true. I love how being on a mission has really helped to "seal the deal" as far as my testimony goes. I love my Savior, and I need Him so much in my life right now. I am grateful to be a missionary. I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be good! Do work!
Sister Picard
Thursday, April 15, 2010
April 15, 2010 good ol' Nauvoo
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
April 12, 2010 I love my life :)
So my lifeJ It has been just a little bit crazy these days. I am serving in Jersey City. I am so glad that President Bahr is so inspired to let me be here for these last couple of weeks! I am serving around missionaries that I love and I’ve met new members and new investigators to love and it has been awesome!
We had a fireside last night in Caldwell. The missionary choir sang and then there were also speakers. It was wonderful! The best part was being able to see so many of my missionary friends before I leave AND seeing a lot of my best friends from PATERSON!!!!!!!!!! They walked into the chapel and it made my life! I was so happy to see everyone. I was also able to see some of my favorite young women from the Emerson ward. It was a really fitting way to end my time in New Jersey I think. I was able to see everyone that I love right before I leave. Heavenly Father must really love me or something J I love to sing with all the other missionaries. Their testimonies are so evident and the Spirit is so strong! It has surprised me how much of the mission I have gotten to know in just a few months. I feel like I have so many friends! I’m so glad that I was able to spend time here. New Jersey Morristown Mission is definitely the best proselyting mission in the whole world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t really even know what else to write. There is too much. And it would take a whole lot of effort on my part to try and explain everything. It’s this weird phenomenon that happens when you are on a mission. I’ve come to the realization that I really don’t know what is going on in all of your lives, and you probably just don’t understand or even care too much about my life. BUT! I love you. I love the gospel. I love how many people I get to talk to each day about it here. Going back to Nauvoo should be great! I want to make sure and get all the new sisters excited to be there! I can’t believe that I just started my mission in Nauvoo a year ago. CRAZY! Crazy I tell you. My life is good. I love it. I love the gospel. The rest of my life will be spent in bringing others closer to Christ. Yours should too. Keep it up. Do work. I love you.
Sister Picard
Friday, April 9, 2010
April 5, is good in the hood :)
My life is CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I just even tell you?! Can I just even tell you. Ok- so for the last two weeks of my stay in New Jersey I am serving in the Jersey City 2nd Ward. I am in a walking area!!!!!! Woo!!!!!!!! No more being in a car all day driving to appointments. I am right on the Hudson front, which means I see NYC pretty much all the time. We have Hoboken in our area, which is where Daniel wants me to go and eat at that one bakery. Our ward is really young and is full of people who work or go to school in the City since we are so close. I really like it. I have already had the opportunity of going to some sweet parts of our area. We were at these projects and Sister Dennis asks me, “Are you prepared for this?” I replied, “I don’t think so.” Then the elevator door opened and we had to get in. I have never smelled anything like that before in my life. I couldn’t breathe out of my nose because my eyes started to water. I couldn’t mouth breathe because then I could taste it. So, I think I ended up just holding my breath? I almost started to cry because I didn’t know what to doJ AWESOME!!!!!!! We get to go running in this cute little park that has a great view of the City. I have really savored these last few teaching appointments I’ll have as a “proselyting” missionary. I can’t even begin to try and tell you the mix of emotions I am right now. SO! That is why it was so good to hear all of the amazing talks at General Conference. So! Everything that was said the first session the first couple of talks even was everything that I needed to hear! It is amazing how much Heavenly Father loves us. It is such a blessing to have a living prophet! I love everything about the Gospel so much. I wish I could be a missionary forever. Alas! My time is far spent and I need to go grocery shopping or something. I always have the intent of writing more- and then I actually sit here and nothing comes out. Just please know how much I love my life and how much I love my Savior. I LOVE YOU!!!!!! Be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Picard
Thursday, April 1, 2010
March 29, 2010 good week :)
Ok- I don’t have too much time right now- but! I thought it would be important to get an e-mail off really quickly. I was really blessed this week and was able to go to the Manhattan temple TWICE!!!!!!!! Heavenly Father definitely loves me a lot! I was able to go with all of the departing missionaries and also with a recent convert who was receiving her endowment. It was the best week ever!!!!!!! I love the temple more than anything! Also- I am getting transferred. So I will be transferred for two weeks, then I will get the BIG transfer and head back to Nauvoo. Which is just crazy to me. I can’t believe that I will be leaving Jersey. Bleh- I don’t like to think about it. At the same time I am excited to get back to Nauvoo and see all of my sisters and the senior missionaries and mostly the TEMPLE! I love that temple. I love being a missionary. I LOVE being a missionary. I hope that when I say that (or type that I suppose) that people know that I am sincere. I am so glad Heavenly Father knew how much I would love being a missionary. I am so glad that He also knew the places I needed to be sent to. It is so amazing how much He loves each one of us. I am very excited about General Conference! I know that the Spirit will be so strong and I’m excited for the messages I need to here! I am also excited about Easter week and this time we have to think about our Savior Jesus Christ. I am SO grateful for the Atonement. I can’t even begin to imagine the love that Christ has for me- but I am so thankful for it. I appreciate it more every day, because I learn how much more I need the Savior every day. I love you all so much! Sorry I didn’t write much- but I’ll be better next weekJ I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! Be good! Do workJ
Sister Picard
March 22, 2010 hey now hey now- this is what dreams are made of.... are made of
Well. My life. So- I don't remember if I wrote last night but we have had some crazy storms here! So! We were able to go and help clean up the church last week which was fun. The church building got power back in time for us to be able to go to church yesterday which was good. Some members didn't have power for 4-5 days. We didn't have power for just a night. Must be missionary blessings :)We had a crazy week last week with meetings and with going to Ellis Island and what not, but Heavenly Father blessed us a lot for still trying to hit mission standards. We were able to get all of our lessons in and a couple referrals which was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I love being in New Jersey. It's great. I love my ward. They are great. I don't really know what else to say. I'm trying to think of good stories to tell you. OH! I know! So! We were sitting in sacrament meeting yesterday and I see this girl that I thought looked really familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Turns out it was my friend Sara Robinson! We knew each other from the summer I did Sports Camps. We were in the same ward. She was visiting our ward with her HUSBAND! (yes- people have met, dated, and got married while I've been on the mish:) )They were visiting the Relief Society president. But they are doing an internship in the City and live in the Jersey City ward. But! Point being it was SO fun to see someone that I know! I love when that happens :) My companion says I know everyone. I suppose that's what I get from moving a lot and going to BYU:) I told all the missionaries today at choir practice- oh ps- we're doing ANOTHER mission choir thing for Easter- that they all have to do a big all mission field trip to Nauvoo. It would be very fun and spiritually uplifting and I would get to see everyone and give them tours in my pioneer dress:) I think they were convinced. Now we just have to get the approval from good ol President and Sister Bahr! Well I just love being a missionary. A talk that I recently love is the Enabling Power of Christ or something like that by Elder Bednar (before he was even Elder Bednar.) I have definitely come to the realization that I can not do ANYTHING with out the help of the Savior. The Atonement is not only there to help me repent of my sins caused by weaknesses but also to help give me the strength to overcome said weaknesses. Ether 12:27 baby. Always has been the fave! We met some sweet people knocking this week. I think that my Jersey accent is pretty legit. I should have it really good by the time I go back to Nauvoo. I just mimic it while we're walking down the street. It's funny because my companion can't even tell if Americans have accents- it's just all English to her:) So! If I name one of my kids Sal- you'll know why. It sounds SOOOOOOOOO sweet when Jersey people say it. Or Paul. I like that one too. WELL! I love you! Be good! Do work! Much love. Hug Hug Kiss Kiss.
Sister Picard
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
March 15, 2010 Part 2
I just have SO much to talk about. I don't even know where to start. It may be brief because I may get kicked off of the computer. The reason is because this is the only library with power and the internet in the area. The reason for that is because of the big storms we had last week. I don't know if it was on the news- well probably not in Utah because I am in NJ- but! We've been having some crazy storms here lately. Lots of rain and lots of wind. The lightning here was so weird. I've been in lots of lightning storms but this lightning was weird because it was so cloudy and overcast and the lightning would just light up whole sections of the sky. It was all different colors. It was crazy. It was really windy as well. We kept going to appointments and as soon as we'd leave the power would go out. I'm not even joking, it would be literally as we were walking out of the door. Kind of funny huh? We didn't have power for awhile, but we were fine. We went to bed as soon as we were done planning since there was no light. :) People still don't have power and it was crazy last Saturday. Then, on Sunday church was cancelled because there were power lines down and huge trees in the middle of the road on both sides of the chapel. We were able to go to the Elders ward right next to our area. We spent the day trying to see people. It took FOREVER to get anywhere because all of the roads were blocked off because of trees (HUGE trees) and power lines and flooding. Needless to say, I am not so much a fan of driving in Jersey anymore. Or driving in general really. I may need to get a chauffeur. :) But! Things are good. My comp is awesome. She teaches me cool slang words in Portuguese. I told her if I ever go to Brazil I have to make sure people think I'm cool. So then yesterday I went on the departing missionary trip with all the departing missionaries (by the way, I felt like a fake because the Elders had been out a year longer than I have:) ). There is an Elder that is leaving that is from Brazil. I used all my cool Portuguese words. He thinks I'm cool now. I sounded pretty legit if I do say so myself :) The trip was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Sister Picard
March 8, 2010 "mario. said like MAH-rio. all jersey :) mah like ma-c and cheese. for clarification.
Inbox X


I just randomly got a Nauvoo song stuck in my head. Hmm. Odd. What is really odd is how soon I am going back. Crazy how time flies when you are having fun:)
I am trying to think of something very exciting to tell you. Maybe I'll make something up:) I really do enjoy serving in the Emerson ward. We have really good people here and I like serving in a ward. I also liked serving in a branch. I pretty much like serving I think. :) I was able to go to the CES fireside last night (we had an investigator who wanted to go even though he is way hecka old. Whatevs. If he wants to listen, who am I to stop him? :) ) But! Guess who was there?! Marianne my favorite came up from Paterson since it was a YSA activity. It was so good to see her. It was good to see other people from the branch as well. I love having all these new friends! So, what else was I going to say about that... oh yes. For the first time in a long time, well probably since I have been on my mission, I saw something related to BYU and I didn't miss it at all. Not to say that I've absolutely been pining away to see Provo again, but usually I at least think of it fondly. No, this time I didn't even care that I saw the Marriott Center. Now THAT is crazy huh? I must love this mission business or something. :)
I'm sorry, I really am trying to think of something interesting, but nothing is coming. It's been getting a lot warmer here. So I get to run on the track in the mornings! Not up and down the street. That is no fun. But it was the only place that was plowed from the snow :) So I had been driving home the way that goes by the track every day to see if the snow had finally melted off and then at the end of last week it did!!!! So then I started screaming, “YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Picard