Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010 oh say what is truth tis the fairest gem (that is what I have stuck in my head. random, yes.)


Well, what can I even say? My life is just grand. We just had transfers and I am still in Nauvoo. I have forgotten if I told you or not. Transfers here happen frequently! My most favorite thing about being a missionary here continues to be how often we are able to attend the temple. It is even better now that I get to see the Tovey's in there! I love all of the temple missionaries so much! They are all the neatest people. I also love the site missionaries. Old people rock! They are my best friends. I am not joking when I say I will probably come home and only want to hang out with all my senior missionary friends. They're more fun than most people anyways:)

Well! Summer is officially here! It's up in the 90's today. All the new sisters are dying of heat stroke. Ha- I tell them they ain't seen nothin yet:) Isn't that so nice of me? What's really great about it all is that our air conditioner in our house actually is broken. So it is really hot inside. We are all roastin like toasted cheesers it's so hot:) Things are starting to pick up a little as far as visitor's go. Sister McIntosh and I had a really great experience this past week. We had a non-member come in to the VC and we gave him a tour together. He was really receptive and we gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and assigned him to read the Introduction and Moroni 10:3-5. He came into the VC the next day walks straight up to us and says, "I read what you told me to and I have questions." He had not only read what we told him but also the entire book of Moroni. He is studying right now to be a pastor. He actually came to Nauvoo last summer with a whole group of Methodists (I actually remember that group, imagine that:) ) He said that every time he has come in contact with the Church the people that he is with don't want anything to do with it, but that he has always been interested. So, we taught him the first and then we had him watch the Testaments because he had such an interest in the Book of Mormon. We then gave him all the chapters in 3 Nephi about the Savior's ministry in the America's. He said he was going to study it. Moral of the story! The Book of Mormon is the best tool we have as far as conversion goes. It does the best job of testifying of truth and bringing people closer to Christ. I love it because if people are sincere in their desire to learn, you can just sit back and let it happen because they will gain a testimony. So I am excited he was so excited about studying! It was such a blessing for me because I would be lying if I told you I didn't miss being a little proselyting missionary. Sometimes it is difficult here to remember "my purpose" because no one gets baptized. But! I still realize it's missionary work, just a little different, and sometimes done while wearing a pioneer dress (no I don't think I will ever get over that:) ) So! That was a really great experience we had this week. We've been calling in the Call Center a LOT. I like it because it kind of reminds me of knocking. A lot of people don't want to talk to you. Every once and awhile you get a yes and it's all worth it:) We've also been practicing for our "Sunday Sociable." If you don't remember that's when all the sisters get up on stage and we pretend like we can sing and then all of the seniors cry and think we're wonderful. It's really great. But! There are a few songs I probably won't be able to listen to ever again in my life. Three of my favorites! Down to the River to Pray, Consider the Lilies, and This is the Christ. I feel like Dewey on Malcolm in the Middle when his mom plays that one song and he runs through the house saying, "Why do you have to ruin everything that I love!?!?!?" But! I sing because that is what God needs me to do right now. Oh the life:) Well! I love you all! I want you to have some good referrals all picked out for me come pageant time. Just so you know. So we can help some people get in the water! of baptism that is:) I love you love you love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be good! Do work:)

Sister Picard

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17, 2010 we are family, i got all my sistas with me :)

So- if things weren't crazy enough around here- we are getting two more sisters tomorrow! That brings the grand total up to 22, which is 2 more than last year. It also puts 16 in the Hatch House. Which is also 2 more than last year. We are going to fit all nice and cozy:) Sometimes I wonder how that many girls are able to live in the house. Then I remember that the Church must be true:) Ha! We do actually get along really well. I can't even believe it sometimes, but we do. So! Transfers were yesterday. I am staying in Nauvoo, which I am actually very pleased about. My new companion is Sister McIntosh. She is from Layton, UT. I am really excited to be her companion, but at the same time really sad to not be with Sister Wendel anymore. It's sweet though, for the most part, I would be companions with anyone here:) Good Nauvoo sisters!
Well, what has been happening in my life you might ask? Well let me just ponder that for a moment. OH MAN! I just remembered the most exciting thing that happened this week that I am so excited to write about. Ok, first of all, allow me to apologize. Sometimes I think that I sound a little too casual in my letters home to you. I think it's because I just get so excited at the thought of communicating with you that it just all starts coming out and I'm typing and it's pretty much whatever I am thinking in my head. So! I still have a testimony. I love the gospel. I'm a good missionary girl, but as far as my e-mails go, it is what it is. So! This past week we have had several production crews in Nauvoo. They have been here for the World Report (what they show in between conference sessions) and for the Joseph Smith Papers and for another documentary they are doing. So! We get a call from President and on Friday night I think it was we went over to the mission home after we were all done for the day. The Ludwig's had been feeding all the different crews at their homes. This one gentleman, whom I forget what his name is, is very important in Church history because he had a few things to show us. Now, I hope that you all remember the talk that E/Holland gave in the October General Conference of last year where he gave the most incredible testimony of the Book of Mormon ever. You may also remember a little book that he held up. That book was Hyrum Smith's copy of the Book of Mormon that he and Joseph read out of right before they decided to go to Carthage. Yes, if you were wondering, I had the privilege of seeing that book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In real life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He also showed us a copy of the 2nd ed. of the D&C that was printed by John Taylor. I felt so blessed. It was amazing. The Spirit was so strong just being the room with those books. It made me reflect on how lucky and blessed I am to be a missionary here. Sometimes it definitely is like the Hollywood mission of the church. So- people can make fun of me, but it has it's perks. I can't even believe it still when I think about it. The Book of Mormon is so true! It has the power to change lives like no other book ever written. It is amazing. So! This man was going to put those books back in this special little suitcase and we see a few other things just sitting in there so one of the other sisters asks, "What else is in the suitcase?" The man replies, "Oh, the original manuscripts of the Book of Mormon, the original Book of Commandments..." and a couple of other documents I can't remember now because my mouth had just hit the floor. It was SO neat! I felt like Joseph Smith must have felt when he opened up the place where the gold plates and the Urim and Thummim and the Sword of Laban and the Liahona all were together. It was just this SHOCK of the Spirit. It was as though I couldn't even breathe. I can't believe I was that close to something like that. Definite blessings for me this week!
The Book of Mormon is the word of God. Just like Joseph Smith said we draw nearer to Christ through reading it. It is a sure fire way to feel the Spirit and to come to know the Savior better. If you are ever having a rough day, just read the Book of Mormon. It has sustained me throughout my mission. I LOVE being a missionary! My life is SO good! I love it love it love it! Be good! Keep sharing the gospel. You are exemplary as far as member missionaries go. So I am giving you positive reaffirmations:) Love you! Be good! Do work:)
Sister Picard

Friday, May 14, 2010

May 11, 2010 tonight's gonna be a good night :) (thank you baby for introducing me to what is hip and cool :) )


Let me just even tell you- I LOVED getting to speak with all of you on Sunday! It made my life!!!!!!!!!! It’s funny- because I’ve never really gotten emotional in speaking with you. It feels really normal every time I call home. I fully realize it has been months since I’ve heard your voices, but it just feels goodJ and normal. Except for Buddy. He does NOT sound like himself. But I suppose everyone has to go through poverty and that whole voice changing thing huh? J (like that Gussy!) It’s weird to think that I will be seeing you all- but I am definitely not focusing on that just quite yet. I have plenty of summer ahead of me. So! Big time shout out to mamasita for being the best mom in the world! I am the ONLY missionary in all of stinkin Nauvoo (this is also including the bajillion of seniors) with a CONFERENCE ENSIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really don’t think you can fully appreciate the Conference Ensign until you have been a missionary. It is like the new iPod. Or iWhatever it probably is these days, I have no idea about technology. So, I have been the envy of the whole mission. I prance around everywhere carrying it with me. Then everyone gets these looks on their faces, “No way!!!! You are so lucky! Where’d you get that!?” Then I say, “My mom. She’s the best.” I have loved reading the Ensign. I love Conference. I wish they had it every month. However, then it would not be as special. So I guess I don’t. But I love the messages. I especially loved being able to read the Priesthood session and the YW meeting. President Uchtdorf’s talks were my favorite from both. I know we all know my issues with patience, so I have read that talk several times over. I love the messages that are given by the leaders of the Church. They are all so inspired! I think a lot of times, they are so smart. They must know so much about the gospel. And yet all of their messages are relevant to any member of the Church. It helps to confirm my testimony that this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nothing about it ever changes. It is and will always be His Gospel. Our understanding and appreciation of it grows deeper and deeper, all while we are trying to better align our will to His. I love reading the Ensign. I can’t put it down ever. I read it in the sites. I read it at the VC. I read it when I eat. I read it before I go to bed. It’s just too good. Can’t even help it. So! Thanks again mama! You really made my life! I’m trying to think of anything really exciting that has happened. I highlighted S/Morgan’s hair. I don’t know if I told you. That was fun. S/Picard beauty parlorJ It’s been raining OH I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok finish that sentence, it has been raining frequently. I just remembered. We have raccoons all up in our house. A couple of the senior elders have caught two of them. I think there are approximately 50 more and I think that they are having babies. Our house smells weird. We kept taking out the trash and cleaning to no avail. Turns out raccoon poo smells bad J Last night they were having a party in the wall right next to me. I sleep on the top bunk and at first I thought my companion decided to start kicking the wall or moving in her sleep a lot. Nope. The raccoons. Then we heard them in our heating thing. I kept having visions of these little raccoon hands coming up out of the vent trying to eat me. Kind of creepy okay?! I finally did get to sleep though. I think that is kind of a funny thing to tell you. I hope all is well. Thanks for being my family. You really are the best ever. Be good. Do work. J

Sister Picard

PS- Highlight of my phone conversation- baby singing to meJ Also! I thought you might appreciate this. I was in the temple today and this worker goes, “You are so beautiful! You must be a missionary girl!!!!!” It just reminded me of when we were little and those pics we have of Gus and Daniel being “missionary boys!” Especially when Buddy is all GQ with his hand in his pocketJ love it!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4, 2010 How to make a peanut and honey samwich!!


So! Can I just even tell you? My mission life is pretty crazy. I should preface all that I am about to say with this, no matter where I serve or what I do I am always a servant of the Lord set apart to be a representative of Jesus Christ. Now- to tell you what I did this week. So you might better understand the previous statement.

On Tuesday all of the sisters served the Temple Missionaries at the dinner that they have each year at the beginning of the summer. So we all had to wear black and white and serve dinner. Which was pretty fun actually because I got to see the Tovey's! They are so cute! I am so happy that the temple missionaries are here because now we get to go more often! Twice a week!!!!!!!! So then, my mission president's son was married last week. He was married here in Nauvoo so that his parents could be there for everything. So on Thursday morning I spent all morning helping S/Ludwig cut up fruit and get the food ready for all of the people that were going to be in town. We also helped to get everything ready for the open house that they had on Friday for all the missionaries. Then on Saturday, the day of the wedding, we helped out all day with the catering/decorations/set up etc of the wedding. Then that night we helped cook/serve/clean for the wedding dinner/reception thing. Again, we were all wearing black and white. We color coordinate a lot in this mission. :) So! If anyone ever needs me to cater or plan an event, well- I have LOTS of practice from serving here. It's funny because for all of the second summer sisters doing stuff like this is old hat. We've done it a lot. It was really funny one of the guests told S/Barry, “Well I bet this is something you don't do as a missionary!” And she replied, “Well actually we do it quite often.” Yes- I LOVE dealing with the funny snide remarks everyone makes about being a VC sister and serving at dinns. That is when I just have to do breathing exercises and plaster a smile on my face. And work on my humility. And tell myself that I am serving the Lord in whatever capacity He needs me to serve in. So you can imagine- we all were thinking about weddings for a few days. We even came up with a list of when we thought everyone was going to get married. Glad to report that S/Reece was numero UNO on that list :) YES! Her hair looks so good this summer- I am going to have to send a picture. We also had the wonderful opportunity of starting the fences again. The weather is good enough to have us outside now- so that is what we are doing to help NRI. We scraped fences on my day. All day long. It was AWESOME! Actually- it was pretty sweet because we got to be outside and get a little bit of sun. And let me just tell you how pasty I am these days. I think I have turned into a white person. Alas- that's life. Especially as a sister.

I have really enjoyed giving tours more this summer. After being in the field I feel a lot more capable. I think I am more in tune with the Spirit, bolder about asking for referrals, and more focused on PMG. On Saturday I was serving at the VC and had been feeling kind of off. If you can imagine, I was feeling a little more “tour guide” than “missionary” especially with all the crazy stuff we did last week. So I said, “Sister Picard it is time to stop being a lame-o and be a missionary.” I really prayed to be able to feel like a missionary again. I was able to give a really great tour to a girl named Deserae. She was from Chicago and had just moved there and wanted to come to Nauvoo. She had a couple of things thrown in her way when trying to visit- but was able to make it. I love it when I give tours and I don't feel like I am the “tour guide” but that I am that person's friend. I love when I feel a real genuine concern for the person instead of just telling them facts. I told her that I was so grateful that she had still decided to come and that even though I am supposed to like everyone that comes in, I really appreciated her being there:) She gave a referral! I am glad that I can sometimes help facilitate missionary work.

One thing that I have been thinking a lot about lately is that throughout my mission I have done a lot of work with members as opposed to finding people to get baptized. At first I really hated that because as a missionary all I should want to do is baptize. I think sometimes Heavenly Father knows what He is doing though. Correction- He always does:) The majority of my life will be spent in helping members of the Church strengthen their testimonies and come closer to Christ. I think it has been a wonderful experience on my mission to realize that is still important.

I love my life. I love being a missionary. Things are finally starting to pick up here. The YPM's are coming this week I think. So you know I'm excited about that :) HA! Keep up the good work. You are an amazing family. Sometimes I just sit and think and I can't even believe how amazing you are. I got baby's pics in the mail. And her instructions about how to make a PB & H samwhich. Goods:) I LOVE YOU!!!!! Be good! Do work :)

Sister Picard

April 27, 2010 DJ's Birthday :)


Well, another week in Nauvoo. I don't even know what I should talk about most of the times in my e-mails. How boring right? Sorry. We've started to work in the Call Center again. I'm trying to make sure that my enthusiasm for calling is genuine and is being passed on to the sisters around me:) I really do enjoy it for the most part. I forgot about that. I was able to start serving in the Visitor's Center again as well. I LOVE the Visitor's Center. It's really the closest thing to being out in the field. Almost like contacting. I like it because I have more control over the situation. Imagine that, me liking to be in control? :) I can go and talk to everyone that walks in about the Gospel, which makes me happy. I don't have to wait for them to come into sites to give them tours. One thing that I have been impressed with over and over again is how easy it is to share the gospel with your friends. This is what I think. Ok- now I'm going off on a tangent. Obviously my mission here in Nauvoo is different. I know most people wouldn't expect it, but it is actually a lot harder to stay focused here than out in the field. I felt like I had a pretty good handle on keeping my mind focused and then I came here and well, let's just say I'm really trying to focus again:) I think it's a great learning experience though. I know that when I am no longer a missionary (bleh) that it will also be a hard adjustment, and it will be SO important to learn how to focus on what is most important. I obviously don't want to become some socially incompetent religious zealot, but I do want to maintain the correct focus in my life. Which should be, and always will be, bringing others as well as myself closer to Christ.
We are getting three new sisters today. We'll get two new sisters next week. That makes 22 sisters in all. Two more than last year. That is 16 sisters living in our house. That is crazy business. However! I am sure it will all work out. Things in Nauvoo are going to start to pick up here pretty soon. I'm doing all I can to make sure I am prepared to referral it up! It is also important to strengthen the testimonies of those people that come here. I know most everyone is a member, but everyone can always have a stronger testimony. It's pretty amazing that I get to testify of the Gospel in a place like this.
I love you all! I wish I had a funnier story to tell. Let me think, nothing that I think you would also think is funny. Pretty much I just make a whole bunch of way lame missionary jokes all the time. But people laugh. Not sure if it's with me or at me- but it's all good :) I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! Be good. Do work:)

Sister Picard