Wednesday, April 15, 2009

uhmmm TODAY! aka 4.16.09

To My People-

I love you A lot. Also- I feel really weird having so much contact with you in the past few days. Prep day was just on Friday. I got to speak on the phone with you yesterday. Here I sit writing you again :) I actually hope that you could get this BEFORE being in Provo- but alas. How did things go at the MTC? I'm sure that everyone just loved being there again:) Gus is going to be an AWESOME missionary!!!!! YAY I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! Missions are so where it's at these days. Oh wow. I just don't even know where to start with my life- because I know you're just dying to hear right? Right. Ok- so since my last letter I have done a lot of stuff- cool stuff. First of all! I went to Temple Square on Saturday with the rest of the Visitor's Center Sisters. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K maybe that was enough exclamation points- just maybe. Ok- so! We arrived at Temple Square and were paired up with S. who were serving there. My S. was from South Africa and I LOVED her. Oh wow- she was the most gorgeous S. ever and she was SUCH an amazing missionary and I know that Heavenly Father put us together for that day. I was able to learn so much from her. It made me so excited to serve in a VC- even if it would have been Temple Square. We were able to give tours and talk to people and oh man- it was just the best. It was raining all day but I was just happy there were still people to talk to! People who got to listen to me - ahahahhahahahaha. But seriously- it's never me- it's always the Spirit. By myself I would just sound like a know it all who was lecturing to anyone who came within the sound of my voice- hahahaha. OK so I did just love everything about Temple Square and it got me SO excited to serve here. So then Tuesday was the big day I left for Nauvoo! And I was able to talk to you- which made my life :) Except I only missed Daniel- well I still love him. And I really liked in Hann's letter how it talked about him doing his "flow" dance at the gym. It sounded like it was pretty legit. In fact, perhaps even too legit. I don't even know if he reads these letters- so to condense just tell him that he is my favorite littlest brother. And I hope he is still keepin it classy- everyday. And that I love that little Prince Ponichello (yeah I pulled that one out of memory lane- I don't think you pull things from there- but I can't really think of a better way to describe that.) Ok- I'm getting off topic. However- I do get longer for e-mails. Which reminds me! It would now be okay if you want to let peopl e-mail me at this address. Just know that I can't e-mail back. I can only e-mail immediate family- and I will stick to that rule. But still send me letters please! They're more fun because I can read them over and over and over and they make my day happier :) And then I get to write SUPA SWEET letters back. That's right. Ok. So! We flew into St. Louis (I just said looey) Ok but first! Ok so all missionaries just are all about sitting by non-members on the flight and baptizing them by the end of it but me- yes I love to preach the gospel but also! if any of you have ever traveled with me before you would know that what do I do anytime I'm in any kind of moving vehicle? Oh yeah- I pass out in like 0.2 seconds and am asleep the whole time. That way I don't get sick. And it makes the time go by faster. And whenever I flew out to Aubs there was a lady that just sat there and talked at me for like 2098402398423 hours and I was so sick I thought that if I even opened my mouth I would spew all over her (good word huh? :) ) Regardless! Anyways! Whatever. Ok- so! Everyone is sitting by another S. except for me. I sit by this guy- who looks as though he is our age. And then it only helps that this lady (who is a member) who is sitting behind us on the flight leans over the seat (slightly awkwardly actually now that I'm thinking about it- what am I talking about it was hecka awkward) and says "so you gonna convert him before the flights over?!?!?!?!?" and I was like- thanks you old crazy person- that was a really great segway into what? I don't know what. What should I say now? Thank you. ughh crazy person. So I was like "ho ho ho- you are a crazy" and then tried to be normal to the guy sitting next to me. So I did start talking to him and tried to be as normal as my missionaryhood allows me too. Inevitably we were talking about the gospel even before the plane had left the ground. His daddy is a pastor- so he was very familiar with his religion- which was good because it made for good conversation. He had a lot of questions- and I HOPE that I answered them sufficiently. He did tell me that if nothing else- at least he doesn't think Mormons are weird anymore:) and that he liked how similar our religions are- and that if the missionaries came by (he is in the ROTC at his school and I guess they're always knockin at the dorms or whatevs) that he would probably be more apt to let them in! So! No baptism (sorry old crazy lady) but! I felt like I was able to bring someone closer to Christ. Which is my purpose. And he gave me a piece of gum (which I don't think technically I'm supposed to chew) but! it helped me to not get motion sick. So I didn't spew on him :) So! That was fun! Oh yeah! And it was fun talking about the Air Force and planes and stuff like that. It was insane to me how similar the military and the Church are. So hopefully one day he'll just make that easy jump from military life to church life :) But it was just good- good experience. And then! The whole mission presidency came to pick us up! Oh goodness- they are just all so nice. Wow- that sounded cheesy- but it's true. I especially love the Williams, they drove us back to Nauvoo. CUTEST couple. And President and Sister Ludwig seem awesome. I actually have my first interview with President in just a minute- but I may be able to come back and finish up e-mailing. Oh yeah- so they picked us up and then took us out to a buffet. Bless their hearts- but I'm SO not about buffet eating- particularly after being in the MTC for a month. So I had some salad I guess and cracker packets. Ok that made me sound like a brat- I'm not. I just couldn't eat anything. Maybe I just should have left that part out of the story. Dang it. Oh well. OK- so then! We FINALLY got into Nauvoo and then we got our assignments. I am one of 6 sisters serving in Carthage actually. The other 12 are in Nauvoo. I feel good about it though- I'm just not with any of my sisters (the four of us that have spent 24/7 together for the past month :) ) but! It's good for me. I went running this morning and it felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good to actually run outside. Except when I ran past this meat place or something with a bunch of cows. That smelled like death. But oh man! Ok our house?!??! It's SAWEEEEET! The senior sisters said we'll never have anything close to it on our outbound mission. The house in Carthage is a mansion that was donated to the  Church (mansion old time speak- like the McConnell Mansion in the 'scow- so a nice sized house) And there are 2 apts for the sister missionaries and we also have a senior couple living with us. The house is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUDE!!!!!!! It reminds me of my house in Provo. Oh cude. And the senior couples- oh man. I love them already. Except there is one couple that went to Utah and as soon as they found out I went to BYU they went on and on about how Utah is better. Whatever. I love the crazy old people. And I didn't even argue. Thank you to certain people that we all know of (hann you kno what I'm sayin right now- you know) I am pretty prepared to try and love people who hate on me about my educational choices :) And I just got back from my President's interview- it was AWESOME! I just keep knowing more and more that this is the place I'm supposed to be. We got to go on a wagon ride this morning around Nauvoo- it was so good. Everything about here just makes me happy. Seeing the horses made me happy. I love them. I don't even know why. I just loved the horses. And! Then today we went to the grocery store and got food and supplies and I was the only one who came in under the amount of money we had on our card. A significant amount under actually. Take that- BAM!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to mama for always bein so cheap :) Well- we have a dinner tonight with the Presidency which I'm excited about. I'm just happy. It was so so so so soooo good to see the temple. We get to go on Thursday and that is what I am looking forward to more than anything! Well I should probably go- but I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for Gus to be able to be on a mish too- it's awesome :) Can you get me his address? I'll just write it to the MTC right now. I love you all a whole lot!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for being my family :) Tell Baby that I tell EVERYONE on my mission how smart she is. She is the smartest.
Love- Sister Picard

April 7, 2009 email (still at the mtc)

ok- so this week. First of all- everyone is leaving us. Everyone we know of. But we start visitor's center training on wednesday so it won't be that bad. I also have another p-day on Friday to be able to get ready for leaving I suppose? Then on Saturday we get to go to Temple Square!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're all getting really excited for that! To be out in the real world.... :) And then I leave on Tuesday! What the what the? But I"m SOOOOOOOOO ready to go. So excited. And! I'm kinda bummed that all of you will be here the day after I leave. Which is dumb. But right now I'm trying to figure out if I can leave stuff. It's weird- I honestly just want to find like 2 dresses and just wear them on alternating days- when I'm not wearing pioneer clothes of course:) So- yes. I have given up on the trying to look attractive idea. Whatevs- ain't no thang. Ok! So! Thanks so much mom for writing me FINALLY about my heathenistic tv shows that I love. That was great. And I'm sorry I'm not getting letters back to you fast enough- it's just hard to! They keep us way busy and we're only supposed to write today. So I especially hate it when I get stuff on wednesday because I just missed writing back! I got a SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET package from Aubs this week- it made my life. She's such a good friend to me. It really did make my life. And I did get the jeans and the curling iron THANK YOU MOM! I wrote you letters back as well. They should be coming soon- I sent them out around Thursday? Friday? I really can't remember days. And I'm being honest. Things just run together here. It's all a big blur.... :) OH yeah! But last Friday was like the best day of my LIFE! Ok so my comp and I we went and taught a bunch of lessons in the morning at the TEC (tell Gus to go to the TEC ALL the time- it's so good for your teaching) so we got to teach a lot and improve and I love doing that. And then! at lunch I got a letter from Daddy, a letter from Cam, AND a wedding invite from Nat my old roommate. AND THEN! We had gym! And I love love LOOOOOOOOVE gym. And then! I was in the RC having a great day and then I had to go ask them to send the missionaries to this one ladies house and I walk in and this guys like "sister picard I know you" and I was like "I don't even know you" but! turns out! He is in Ris's ward!!!!!!!!! So I got to talk to him about my one true friend. Which for some reason made me happy beyond belief. And then we had a sub teacher that night for the teacher I don't care for much :) Oh man. Good day. And CONFERENCE! sooooooo good! It was cool to be able to watch it here. They kept us busy that day. We just studied, conference, eat, study, conference, study, devotional, eat, conference, etc etc. So- I was pretty much sick of sitting on my behind by Sunday night- but it's all good :) Oh man I just love conference. It was SO good. I especially loved Elder Holland's talk- but I just love him. And I love all the other apostles too. He's just a fave. And then we watched the Joseph Smith movie again last night- and I didn't even cry! I just love it though. Everytime I watch it I get SOOOOOOOOO super excited to just be in Nauvoo. That's where I want to serve all of my mission. But I guess I'm excited for proselyting too. It'll be interesting to see where exactly I am sent. Hopefully someplace warmer than colder- but if Heavenly Father sticks to precedent it won't be somewhere I want to go :) hahahahahah oh man I'm funny. Ok! But all I know is- that I'm only proselyting for 7 months. So I am going to baptize the stinkin crud out of those 7 months. Hardcore. I WILL be the hardest working missionary in the world. I think it'll be good to be able to have such a short amount of time to just completely be focused. Not that I won't love Nauvoo because I will- it'll just be a little different because I won't be able to see investigators all the way through to baptism and what not. Man I'm excited. Every day. I just get more and more excited! And I just love being here- well maybe not necessarily here as in the MTC- but here as in on a mission :) I'm SO grateful for the parents and fam I've had- because I've seen a lot of people here having to deal with problems that I just don't deal with. And I think a lot of that can be attributed to my FAMILY! that I love! yes I do! But seriously- I'm being serious- I SOOOO appreciate it. Everything. And I do miss you- I just don't cry around like everyone else :) Ok- this is even how much more patient I'm being. When people keep crying all the time and sniffling so loud! I don't even give them dirty looks. Most of the time :) Ok- I admit- I'm DYING to know who won the tourney. So whoever tells me will be my new favorite person of the world. Forever and ever. :) Also! I need g-ma's addresss. I haven't heard from her. Also- text cass and get his address so I can write him and tell him to get baptized :) Or forward this to him. I'm wearing his tennis shirt today:) And I told the Provo elders to go find him and baptize him and tell him that I sent them :) aaahahaha. I just love the gospel! And I love how much room there is to progress in it! I love that I'll never know everything. I love that I just keep learning more and more and more. And I LOOOOOOOOVE bearing my testimony to people and being able to help them know more about Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. Oh man- mish is good times for everyone:) I'm trying to think of anything else that's been going on. Oh yes- we went to the departure devotional Sunday night because all of our zone/district is leaving. That was pretty good. I liked when President Smith (MTC pres) said that the sisters should lovingly remind the elders of what they should be doing. One elder told me today that I've influenced him to stop saying crap. Which is good. That is not mission talk :) Probably just because he knows I could beat him up. Yes- I am still under the delusion I can beat up everyone here. I really haven't seen anyone I thought that I couldn't. And one E. in the district got all offended when he was trying to act all tough and I started laughing at him.... my bad :) oh yeah! And then. Oh man- I seriously did want to I don't even know. But there is an E. here from New Zealand and he came and said hi to us and then one of the E.'s in our district was like "he is Hawaiian" and I was like "did you not just hear him speak? He is from New Zealand" and then he's like "no, he looks Hawaiian. He is from Hawaii" and I was like "you are stupid." So I went down the hall and got that E. and had him come back to our classroom and tell us all where he was from, which was New Zealand. and then he leaves the classroom (way cool E. by the way- except he has weird names for things:) rubbish bin? whaaaa?) and this E. in my district STILL thought he was Hawaiian. After he had just told us he was Tongan and from New Zealand. and I was like "ok I"m sorry- but did you just hear what he said?" and he's like "He looks Hawaiian. Tongans, Samoans, Hawaiians, they're all the same" ohhhhhhhh man. I was like "ok please. Next time we're anywhere- I would just LOOOOOOOOOOOVE for you to go up to said Tongan and call him Samoan. see what happens" (this is a fairly big E.) and then that E. was like "sister picard, have you ever been to BYU-Hawaii? They're all the same" and then I just looked at him and was like "I'm sorry I can't talk to you right now- or I will fight you. you are dumb" ahahahahah I'm sorry- I probably shouldn't have shared that story. Probably sheds a poor light on myself- alas. It's true. And I thought it was funny. And then he just kept trying to talk to me! oh dumb. I was like E.- I can't stand you right now and you utter ignorance when it comes to anything NOT white. Thank you leave me alone now. He has no social grace. VERY sheltered I'm thinking :) oh well ! I've really liked my district and zone on the whole. THe Bulgarians left on monday- but one of the E.'s didn't get his visa! So they sent him to CA till he does- which was way sad. And then our E.'s leave for Denver in the morning! Crazy business. It's sad but at the same time it's SOOOOOO exciting! Well- I hope that wasn't too negative or anything :) On a positive note! Ok- actually I'm not sharing that story it's too embarassing to me. Write me if you want to know it and I'll write you a letter back :) BUT! I love the gospel. I love Conference. I LOVE the prophet. Oh wait! Really quick! Our Sunday night devo was a singing one- it was SOOOOO sweet. We just sang a bunch of hymns. ANd I don't think anywhere besides the MTC will you find a bunch of 19-21 yr old guys singing hymns SO enthusiastically :) I love it. I love the MTC. I love life. Ok- I sound dumb. But I love you all! PLEASE keep writing. Esp mom- she's the best at filling me in. And dad has been AWESOME with the letters- I'm writing back today I promise! And again sorry if I don't get back soon enough- promise I still have love:) LOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

Sister Picard

email from march 31, 2009!

The fam in front of the mtc!

(and here's the letter folks! : ) )

ok- so I'm sorry if I don't get time to e-mail back individually- but know that I love you and that I would want to but as of right now I only have 28 minutes to write! Which may seem like a lot- but doesn't end up being when you actually sit down to do it :) In other news- I have a paper cut like a super intense one of my finger and it's hurting to type. I keep like randomly hurting myself. I also have this big cut on my arm from my missionary study journal? yes- weird. Also- sorry if I have bad grammar or don't use caps when I should- I'm writing FAST!!!!!! Ok! AND! Thanks to everyone to wrote me! You have NO idea (well unless you've been in the MTC I suppose :) ) how much it makes my day when I get letters! So thanks to the friends and fam who wrote- you are numbear won (like nacho voice) Ok ok ok- so! First of all- I forgot to tell you that we got to go to the Draper temple dedication last week which was AWESOME! They just broadcasted it to the gym here at the MTC. How many people can say they went to a temple dedication while at the MTC? Pretty sweet:) Also- as much as I am honestly enjoying myself here- I would probably die if I had to be here for forever. The rest of our zone is going to Bulgaria and they've been here NINE stinkin weeks!!!!! oh bleh. I would have died from the food alone- which honestly isn't too bad if I just pick it out myself. Imagine lots of salads and peanut butter toast and grape nuts and fruit :) OH yeah- and when I get salads there is this one girl who always tells me that people who get feta on their salads must be classy. That's a choo choo chalay and a .... class aaaaact :) Actually- everyone from our zone is leaving next week! Which is nuts. Then we leave the week after! Even MORE nuts. But we had fast and testimony meeting last week since conference is this week (also in the MTC- should be SWEET!!!!!!!) and there are only like 16 people in our branch now so pretty much everyone had to get up and bear their testimony ;) but I did! And I bawled- which is embarrassing. But it was good. I essentially said how I am the type of person that likes to do things my own way and not rely on the Lord sometimes, but that I'm glad that He knows me well enough to have known how much I would LOOOOOOOOVE being a witness of Christ- even if I didn't know it :) And I can honestly say- just being a missionary for as long as I have been has been SO good for me. For instance- I tend to get annoyed with certain types of people sometimes... whaaa? who? me? of course not. Regardless- while I've been here I've felt my PATIENCE increase- ha:) as well as not getting as frustrated with stupid things that may happen. Which is crazy- but I like it :) It's nice to be able to just be a happy go lucky missionary just preachin the word :) and I do really think that you learn to love people quicker and more. And I'm SOOOOOOOO excited to be able to get to Nauvoo! And actually start teaching REAL LIVE PEOPLE! and wearing pioneer clothes of course. Even if no one else seems to think they're cool. Whatevs. I'll still be ballin. Ok also! I do not even speak that rezzafab or anything- but apparently I do. Because! There was a guy in my district that said I speak like Randy from American Idol. I have never nor will I ever call anyone "dawg." It must just be because I'm brown. They all just want to be as cool as me I suppose..... :) But- I have been wearing my "do work" bracelet when I miss the fam. Only the cool Elders like it :) Also! this is an oddity of the MTC- your first name is like SO secretive. Like it feels really really really weird to ever let anyone know your first name. And it feels really really really weird ever finding out anyone's real first name:) ha. Or you find out and you just can't imagine ever calling them by that name. Anyways! ALSO! This ... interesting Elder (who once told one of my Sisters that he "liked how she combed her hair") told me I looked like Gabriella from HSM. Also- that is not true. I said he should see my little sister. Then I took it back. But then I thought "what? I'm your twin!?" Ok so this was cool. Shood I don't know if I'll have enough time- ok well I have a couple stories from the RC (referral center- that's where we call people on the phone) Ok- so FIRST story! First of all- they have the english speaking missionaries in there ALL the time talking to people. So we're in there 4-5 times a week. Ok so this is my first story. So I'm calling people- and I call this man named Leroi. Leroi is SO cool. He has this southern accent- but like a black southern accent- so he was fun to talk to. Ok so I was asking him if he'd received the Bible that he'd ordered and he said yes and everything and then he was talking about how religious he was and he is! He knows lots about the Bible- so then I was trying to work in the Book of Mormon and how he should join our church blah blah blah haha jk well not really but turns out he already HAS a Book of Mormon- not even quite sure where he got it from. But he said that he didn't really understand it but that "no inanimate object was gonna get the best of him and he was gonna understand that book" and I was like- yes you are Leroi. Ok so THEN! Stupid phones in the RC totally hangs up! and I FREAKED out!!!!! like big time! And I had my hands up in the air and I was like "someone I need help I need help help me help me!" freak out status. So then I somehow attracted the attention of the teacher :) and he got me special permission to call Leroi back so I did but then when I did it just kept ringing and ringing and I was like "oh no. I was JUST talking to you. I KNOW you are there Leroi" so then I was freaking out more because I HAD to talk to him. He was like SO going to just join the church and everything. And he was so cool. ok- so I sat there just calling and calling for like 10 min. and then..... HE PICKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH I FREAKED OUT! I really did. I was like LEEEROI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're there!!!!!!! And he was all "you hung up on me- so I went to get the mail and talk to the mail man" ha- so ANYWAYS! Then we got back to our gospel discussion and the missionaries are going over to see him and he's going to be reading certain things I gave him the Book of Mormon and then when I was getting his address I found out he was from Memphis so I asked if they were still in the tourney (since I did not know- thanks though to daddy for giving me a little update. I need those you know) and so I got to talk ball for just a second with him but yeah! I'm calling back next week to make sure the missionaries met with him and talk to him more. He was AWESOME!!!!!!! oh it made my day. And then yesterday! I get on the phones and they had to have shown a commercial because a bunch of people started calling in and I TOTALLY talked to these two ladies that were Native. I know it. I just know it. But it was SOOOOOOO sweet. And one lady's mom had just passed away so when she saw the commercial she just started crying and then she called in and we got talking and she just cried to me a lot :) but she just had so many things going wrong in her life and realized that learning more about the Gospel would help. And it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome to be able to be there and be an instrument in the Lord's hands in helping people come to Christ. Oh man it's awesome. SO good. soo good. And it was cool to talk to them about the Book of Mormon and how it talks about our ancestors. Man- it's just good. But I just love it here. I love being a missionary. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE getting letters. I really appreciate everyone who has written to me- I PROMISE I'm writing back during my laundry (which by the way is lame it takes forever) but sorry it's taking me so long! I just only get to write today- it's not that I don't love you :) But I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE everyone! The Gospel is true! And I wish I had been better about sharing it. LOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sister Picard