Sunday, May 10, 2009

April 28, 2009

OK- so I really do not even know where to start on this e-mail. I really am in this weird I don't even know what day it is or whatever thing. But! I do know that it is my preparation day- and so that means yay happy e-mail writing times she comes. Ok- so my trainer S. Brinkerhoff is a beast at running- she pretty much kicks my little tush (well big tush) everyday. Every time. And today was no exception. We went for like an hour long run all through the hills of Nauvoo. Ok- and who even knew that Nauvoo was so hilly? HILLY!!!!! (wasn't that baby's imaginary friend? Don't let her read that sentence. Bad things could happen.) Regardless- I'm a little worn out right now I think. But it felt GOOOOD. We've been running a lot in the rain lately- which I LOOOOVE. If you all remember my affinity for rain- well there have been some sweet rainstorms while we've been here. Kind of reminds me of SD. Which oddly enough- is where I claim as home here. But- it's the last place I lived the longest. And I can't say UT- I can't do it. So apparently it's been flooding bad there? I have no idea. But people keep saying that when I say I'm from Rapid and I'm like "oh yeah........... real bad...." SO! It's been insanely slow here as of late. It's the lull in between Spring Break and people coming after school is out. And it is HARD to stay focused all day in the Visitor's Center. I have read a LOT lately. SO I'm pretty much a church historian by now;) jokes. But I do get a lot of study time in. And from what I here when it starts to get busy, we won't even have time to eat. There can be up to 2000 people coming through the VC in a day. Crazy. Admittedly, I was/am having problems with not feeling like a "real missionary" because they get us so geared up at the MTC to go out proselyting and then I come here and maybe give one or two tours a day. But you know what- it's hard. It's hard to be able to just flip the "on" switch and immediately bring the Spirit. It's hard to speak to people after I've been reading for the past 3 hours. And it's SO hard to be able to find out a persons needs after only speaking with them for a few seconds. BUT! There are experiences that make everything worth it. There was a non-member couple who came from St. Louis just to "check out Nauvoo" and the man had read a little about the church but the woman was unfamiliar. They happened to walk in right as I was about to start Joseph Smith:Prophet of the Restoration Movie (ps BEST MOVIE EVER! I'm obsessed with it these days. And maybe am developing a crush on Alvin... I dunno. Must be a mission thing. :)) So! I asked them if they'd like to join in on the movie- they said yes. And then! The woman was crying when they came out! And I could tell that they both were touched by the movie so then! I gave them a tour of the VC (which only takes 10-15 min) and focused a lot on Joseph Smith and the things that they had seen/felt during the movie but most importantly I really wanted to focus on the Savior because I think that sometimes in Nauvoo the missionaries will only testify of Joseph or the Saints or things like that but we are the church of Christ and I've also REALLY been trying to focus on testifying/extending commitments/promising blessings BECAUSE! missionaries just don't do that here. And I am going to. Because that's what I do. So I was just praying so hard the whole time to know what to say to them so that they would feel the Spirit and that I would be able to say the things that Heavenly Father wanted me to because I get SO concerned especially when I have opportunities like that because I don't want it to be my dumb fault or all of my inadequacies getting in the way of people coming to Christ. Ok- wow. I'm sorry- my grammar and what not is so bad in these e-mails- alas:) Ok! So we are coming to the end of the tour and I played the Christus for them and the woman was crying again and quoting all of the scriptures that Jesus says :) And I just loved it. I loved being there. And it totally made the past few days worth it. And I didn't even want to say anything because I didn't want to ruin anything:) But I just told them that they had felt something special while they'd been here- and that was the Spirit telling them that the things they had been hearing are true. And that although we do love the Prophet Joseph and appreciate all of the things that he and the Saints did, they did it all because it was the will of God. And that this is Christ's church. And that more than anything we believe in a Father in Heaven who loves us and wants us to be able to live with Him forever. And that is the purpose of everything that they had seen that today. And then I gave them a referral card and told them to fill it out and that missionaries would come over and talk to them. :) So I'll never know what ends up happening- but it was a good experience regardless. And it's kinda sad I don't get to follow up- but! I'm over it. All I can do is pray for them now. So! Like I said it's been way slow here comparitively speaking so they have us working at "NRI" which stands for Nauvoo Restoration Inc. The purpose of NRI is to keep Nauvoo lookin good:) So we've been working at NRI a couple days a week. And what do we do you may ask? Well- we chip paint and paint fences. And wear REALLY cool looking paint-jumpsuit-ghostbuster looking things. And EVERY TIME a senior walks by they say something about Tom Sawyer. And you just have to sit there are be like "oh man- so good. every time. you're so funny!" Probably be what Dad is like when he's old. And he'll think he's telling everyone the funniest joke in the world:) ahahahahhaha yes. OH I KNOW! So! I was able to go and serve in Carthage on Sunday because sometimes we'll go and rotate S.'s out on Sundays. Let me just tell you- I am SOOOOOO STINKIN EXCITED to actually serve out there. It was funny because the senior couples were like "you're back! why'd you leave!" :) Oh man though- Carthage is where it's at. Seriously. And I only got to help with tours with my companions- but I'm really excited to be able to do tours by myself. Which- ps- hello- is the best thing for me ever. We give all of our tours by ourselves. And that makes my life. Not that I don't love my companions- it's just different than teaching. I think teaching with a companion is a whole lot easier than trying to give a tour with a companion. And Heavenly Father just made me love speaking in front of people:) ahahahhahaahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. wow. Welp. Gus sounds like he is doing great. Just keep up the good work man! Make sure and forward this to him or dearelder him or something. I want to be writing more but dang it gets hard on pdays. The temple opens back up next week so I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited for that! We've only been able to do one session. Oh yes- and that was lots of fun this past week all of these cranky people yelling at me because the temple is closed for cleaning. And I just wanted to say- "ok dumbie- why did you not just call and check before you came. who honestly just thinks they can walk up to the Nauvoo temple and do a session? no one should- because everywhere there is anything about the Nauvoo Temple it says you have to make a reservation. And dumbie- if your WHOLE ENTIRE VACATION (waa waaaa wambulance) was based on going to the temple- did the thought EVER cross your mind that perhaps you should make sure it was open? no? oh. ok. continue yelling at me then" :) yeah- I'm getting pretty good at just keeping my thoughts in my head. and trying to smile on the outside:) We had an awesome "sunday sociable" (that's what they call firesides here) and afterwards these crazy people came up to S. Morgan and I and were telling us how we are on the "easiest mission in the Church- do we ever even do any work? do you feel like a real missionary?" etc...etc...etc... and S. Morgan puts up with less poo than I even do so THAT was a fun experience trying to not go crazy on them. Oh they were nuts. They needed a pile drive to the face. Ugh- you don't even know. But just so everyone knows- VC missions get a bad rap- but it's HARD work. And there is a reason that every mission pres in the Church wants VC sisters on our outbounds. Just sayin. Well! I don't know how much more I can write. Oh yes- family. I'm sorry I'm not better about the whole letter writing business. I PROMISE I try to get them off asap. And I try to be detailed in my e-mailing. So I'm trying to give you a good idea of what all I'm doing here. And you have NO IDEA how much I love getting all of your letters. Every one here is convinced I have the sweetest fam ever. Well- because I do. Yes, I do. So I love you all immensely. I hope Daniel got my sweet (ok admittedly I had another word written there but I'm trying to mish edit) card I sent him for his bday. Also- Hann. You do work sucka. Like everyday. I just got that newspaper article of you lookin real good runnin :) hahahahahahahahahha got a good lil chuckle. Also- Baby- you are the smartest of all of my brothers and sisters and you are the best drawer in the land. AND! Maybe we should go to India on a Disney cruise? Also- I'm excited to see pics of Daniel's mooo-stache:) AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Also- WAY excited to see pics of Hann workin it a prom yo. Dang- she'll be lookin so fine:) I love you mom and dad- thanks for being SO supportive. Everyone is jeal of how many letters I get from home. It really actually helps me to stay focused hearing from you so often. And the pics have been AMAZING! My new favorite picture ever taken is of me and baby playing vsmile. Man it's sweet. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE you. And I'm so proud of all of you. Esp Gus- because I KNOW how mish life is at least a little bit and I know he's working his hardest and that the Lord is going to bless him. And that the harder he works- the more people's lives he'll have the chance to bless because Heavenly Father is going to trust him :) (which is something I'm really working on now:) ) yay. ohana means family. ok wait funny. I love how we all call each other sister and brother at home just kind of oddly like we do and now I have to call people that all the time. ha. ok I'm done. peace.

Sister Picard

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